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Taylor Community Blog

TED Talks on Cancer Survival, Oct. 30

October 15, 2018

Join us for three TED Talks, Tuesday, Oct. 30 at 1 p.m. in Taylor Community’s Woodside Building Theater. Deborah Rhodes on A test that finds three times more breast tumors and why it’s not available to you; Jorge Soto: “The Future of Early Cancer Detection;” and David Agus, “A New Strategy in the War on… Read More »

Photographic Presentation at Back Bay, Oct. 24

October 11, 2018

Join us as Wolfeboro’s Jane Kelley presents a beautiful video slide show, spotlighting local fall and nature images, Wednesday, Oct. 24 at 10 a.m. at Taylor Community’s Back Bay Campus Community Center. The event is free and open to the public. The Center is located at 66 Taylor Drive, Wolfeboro.  

Hawkins Brook Nature Trail Presentation, Oct. 22

October 11, 2018

Rod Wilson will introduce us to the Hawkins Brook Nature Trail project, which when complete will be universally accessible and connect residents and visitors from Meredith Village to Prescott Park, located along Daniel Webster Highway. The trail will offer a scenic, off-road pedestrian trail featuring views of Hawkins Brook and self-interpretive educational signage. Planned in… Read More »

League of Women Voters, Oct. 15

September 27, 2018

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Join us for this always-popular discussion, Monday, Oct. 15 at 6:30 p.m. in Taylor Community’s Woodside Building. The event is free and… Read More »

Musical Entertainment by Bob Rutherford, Oct. 10

September 24, 2018

Come along on a musical journey with the talented and entertaining Bob Rutherford. Back by popular demand, everyone enjoys Bob’s musical repertoire. This event is Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 6:30 p.m. in Taylor Community’s Woodside Building and is free and open to the public.

Exploring Affordable, Environmentally-Friendly & Meaningful Funeral Options

September 21, 2018

Explore sustainable and meaningful funeral options with a twist as Lee Webster shares information about emerging eco-friendly funeral movements that are changing the way we do death in America. With funeral prices rising along with temperatures, it is time to look at ways to reduce expenses and carbon footprints while still having rich, meaningful send-offs.… Read More »

Preventing & Treating Alzheimer’s Disease, Sept. 24

September 17, 2018

Alzheimer’s does not have to be your brain’s destiny, according to Neuroscientist Lisa Genova, author of Still Alice. Genova shares the latest science investigating the disease, as well as some promising research on what each of us can do to build an Alzheimer’s-resistant brain. Join us for two TED Talks, Monday, Sept. 24 at 2… Read More »

Jonathan Lorentz Quartet, Sept. 23

September 14, 2018

The 2018 Taylor Community Concert Series, sponsored by Bank of New Hampshire, continues Sunday, Sept. 23 at 3 p.m. with the Jonathan Lorentz Quartet. Consisting of Jonathan Lorentz on saxophone; Chris Mega, Piano; William Craig, Bass; and Jared Steer, Drums, the quartet’s performances are very popular and always draw a large audience. Join us for… Read More »

Skywatch with the NH Astronomical Society, Sept. 25

September 10, 2018

The New Hampshire Astronomical Society is a wholly volunteer NH-chartered non-profit organization dedicated to furthering public awareness of Astronomy. Join us Tuesday, Sept 25 at 7:30 p.m. in Taylor Community’s Woodside Building for this free public indoor lecture by Paul Winalski about the night sky, followed by an observation session outside (weather permitting). Please note… Read More »

Wild Edible Discussion, Sept. 19

September 6, 2018

Learn about food from the forest and join a wild edible discussion from avid outdoorsman and 20-year Chef Jason Seavey. The discussion is Wednesday, Sept. 19 at 6:30 p.m. in Taylor Community’s Woodside Building. This free event is open to the public. Seavey’s presentation will focus on medicinal and forgeable plants available in New England… Read More »