Prescription Take-Back Program Scheduled for April 20
April 5, 2013The arrival of spring means spring cleaning for many people. Most think of their closets, basements and garages. But how about cleaning out your medicine cabinet? Unused and expired prescriptions and over-the-counter medications in the wrong hands can be dangerous.
The Laconia Police Department will hold a community-wide Prescription Take Back Program Saturday, April 20 from noon to 3 p.m. at Taylor Community’s Woodside Building, 435 Union Ave., Laconia.
The program allows everyone to be anonymous – there are no questions asked. This program is also helpful for those who have loved ones who have passed away who aren’t sure what to do with a cabinet full of medications.
Master Patrol Officer Ben Black explained letting the police department properly dispose of prescription and over-the-counter medications helps keep prescribed drugs from getting into the wrong hands. It’s dangerous and illegal for someone to take medication prescribed for another individual. Additionally, putting these types of items in the trash or flushing them down the toilet is bad for the environment.
For those who can’t attend the event April 20, the LPD also has a secured container in its lobby where anyone can drop off unused or expired medications anonymously. For more information about the program, call 524-5252.