Taylor Playreaders Perform Nov. 13
October 29, 2018The Taylor Playreaders will perform two one-act plays, Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 2 p.m. in the Woodside Building. The event is free and open to the public.
“The Boor,” by Anton Chekhov takes place in Russia in the 1800’s. A Count comes to collect monies from a women client for oats for the woman’s horse. She says there are no funds available until her husband returns. An argument ensues and the Count’s anger gradually becomes admiration, then fondness, then love, which is finally reciprocated by the woman.
“The Angel Intrudes,” by Floyd Dell depicts an archangel, an immortal, who falls in love with a beautiful mortal woman. She initially loves a mortal man, but as she finds herself drawn to love the archangel, she requires he become mortal; to live and dress as a mortal, and yes—to give up his wings.